On 1 December, one week from today, Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) will participate — for the first time — in a global online event: #Giving Tuesday.
#Giving Tuesday is an annual, 24-hour fundraising campaign, entirely internet-based. It’s a day when CNEWA will celebrate — and encourage — the spirit of giving worldwide. It will bring together individuals, parishes and organizations to do good.
But to make this unique day a success? We need your help.
On #Giving Tuesday, CNEWA will raise funds to ease hunger. Nutrition is a challenge for every initiative we support. In hospitals, mother-and-child clinics, orphanages, schools and Bible camps — and every facility that helps refugees — everyone needs to eat.
#Giving Tuesday will let us help churches and religious sisters provide healthy formula for infants. Lunches for school children. Hot meals for the elderly and sick. As Pope Francis noted, “We are in front of a global scandal, one billion people who still suffer from hunger today. We cannot look the other way and pretend this does not exist.”
To give on #Giving Tuesday — or even in advance — use your computer, smart phone or tablet. To make donating easy, we’re harnessing the power of CrowdRise. One of America’s most highly-regarded funding web sites, it’s an online giving hub that brings together ordinary people, diverse charities and companies. All to support important causes.
Just go to CNEWA’s special CrowdRise/#Giving Tuesday donor page at: CNEWA Giving Tuesday.
#Giving Tuesday’s potential goes beyond money. I’m certain we’ll build greater public awareness of the small miracles CNEWA donors make possible. It will also introduce us to a diverse new audience. Tomorrow’s CNEWA donors.
Will you help us make the day a success? Playing an advance role is as simple as inviting family, friends, workmates and fellow parishioners — via email, Facebook or Twitter — to spread the word. In the days ahead, I’ll send you details that explain how.
#Giving Tuesday is about spreading compassion, faith and hope at this beautiful time of year. In the spirit of the season, let’s make room at our table for those in need.
Let’s make next Tuesday a day for sharing on behalf of those who struggle.
Meantime, check out the #GivingTuesday video below, which shows some of the work you are making possible in Ethiopia.