CNEWA Canada

‘Across’ Across Canada

Melodie Gabriel, of CNEWA Canada, shares news of a touring panel discussing a documentary about Bethlehem University.

In partnership with CNEWA Canada, Salt + Light Television is premiering a new documentary entitled “Across the Divide” on a Canada-wide tour. The film tells the story of Bethlehem University, the De La Salle Christian brothers who run it and Christian students who sacrifice everything for their education. Together, they aim to build a better future for the Holy Land. CNEWA has been supporting the efforts of Bethlehem University since its inception in 1973.

The tour began in Vancouver with the world premiere on 3 June 2012. The theater at Simon Fraser University sold out its 350 seats. Immediately following the film, Carl Hétu, national director of CNEWA Canada, participated in a panel about life in the Holy Land. Also on the panel were Archbishop Michael Miller of Vancouver, Brother Jack Curran of Bethlehem University, Father Thomas Rosica of Salt + Light and, via Skype, Berlanty Azzam, one of the students whose story is featured in the film.

Shot on location in Israel and the Palestinian territories, “Across the Divide” offers a glimmer of hope for the region through the heroic actions of staff and students at Bethlehem University. The film captures the drama of a campus that, like its students, bears the scars of the intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The next screening of “Across the Divide” will take place in Halifax on Monday, 25 June 2012.

The film will also be screened at events in Toronto and Ottawa — on 5 and 19 September, respectively — as well as Montreal and Windsor at later dates. CNEWA Canada is a featured sponsor of the tour and Carl Hétu will continue to appear on the panel at future screenings.

For a more in-depth interview with Berlanty Azzam, on whom the documentary centers, and Kris Dmytrenko, writer and co-director, read this article in the Canadian Catholic Register and watch a special episode of Perspectives Weekly on the film, produced by Salt + Light Television.

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