CNEWA Canada

Children in Ukraine need you

In response to a Russian missile attack on the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv, your CNEWA Canada team made a commitment to provide essential support to the many children who have been affected.

Thanks to the generosity of donors, we have provided $75,000 to help address the immediate needs of children’s hospitals in the Kyiv region. This contribution is being used to cover the cost of:

  • Critical medical equipment used to perform wound and trauma surgeries
  • Essential hygiene items

While this is an important first step, the need for ongoing support is significant. Our recent solidarity visit to Ukraine opened our eyes to the fact that hospitals in this war-stricken region face astronomical challenges. With your help, we are continuing our efforts to ensure hospitals can address the needs of the most vulnerable.

We ask you to join us in our commitment to supporting children’s hospitals in Ukraine. Your continued donations will make a meaningful difference in the lives of children affected by the war. Please consider making a gift today.

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