CNEWA Canada

CNEWA communities united, standing in solidarity with the Middle East – Webinar Recording

I wish to sincerely thank our many donors and friends who joined us for our first webinar yesterday. 

It was an opportunity for both you and I to understand further the tragic circumstances that our colleagues Joseph Hazboun and Michel Constantin are facing in their work as regional directors in Beirut and Jerusalem. 

It was a true honour to dedicate time to standing in solidarity with our CNEWA teams who are actively working there. We were also happy to answer the many questions that were generously shared with us during the broadcast. 

Should you have missed the webinar, we are happy to share news that it was recorded. Please click on the image below to view the recording. 

We look forward to welcoming you to many more webinars like these in future, where we will discuss the powerful work that CNEWA is doing.

CNEWA Canada Webinar recording – Hear updates on the current conflict and immense struggle in The Middle East

Adriana Bara, Ph.D., is the National Director of CNEWA Canada

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