Sister Sophie Boueri spends time with Palestinian children at the Creche facility for abandoned children in Bethlehem, one of several facilities CNEWA has supported over the years to be visited by the bishops. (photo: CNS/Paul Haring)
CNEWA’s national director in Canada, Carl Hétu, arrives in the Holy Land tomorrow to take part in the 15th annual meeting of the Episcopal Conferences of Coordination in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land. He’ll be accompanying Bishop Lionel Gendronof Saint-Jean-Loungueuil and co-treasurer of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
This year, this international gathering of bishops in support of the church in the Holy Land will focus on “the suffering and vulnerable people in the Holy Land,” and brings together bishops from episcopal conferences in Europe and North America.
The bishops travel there every year, and by their presence, says Mr. Hétu, “they hope to remind the ‘living stones’ — the Christian communities of the Holy Land — that they are not forgotten by their brothers and sisters in other parts of the world.”
The meeting will be taking place in, literally, the cradle of Christianity, Bethlehem. From there, those taking part will make trips to Gaza, Hebron, the Cremisan Valley, among other places; they will also visit institutions with close ties to CNEWA, including The Ephpheta Institute for the Deaf and the Holy Family Creche.
There’s more at the Canadian Catholic Bishops website. Check back here at ONE-TO-ONE for updates as the journey unfolds.