CNEWA Canada

First Interfaith Dialogue School for Seminarians in Ukraine

On June 21 – 26, 2021 the First Summer School of Interconfessional Dialogue gathered seminarians of various Christian Churches of Ukraine in L’viv, Ukraine.

Organized by the Institute of Ecumenical Studies of the Ukrainian Catholic University, the school was supported by CNEWA and the Pastoral Mission Fund of the Archdiocese of Toronto. We hope this ecumenical dialogue will continue in future. 

“I am sure that communication and contacts between the School participants will not end upon the School termination. I believe that this Summer School will become a basis for further ecumenical dialogue among us, the participants and the Churches we belong to, and, besides, it will engage those who have not accepted the invitation,” said a student of the Kyiv Orthodox Theology Academy, Bohdan Hlushchyk.

Find out more at this link. [archived]

Anna Dombrovska is Ukraine Program Officer at CNEWA Canada

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