Today, you have the power to affect change. A change that could make all the difference.
You can be an agent of change by supporting the important work of CNEWA Canada. On this Giving Tuesday, you can make it possible for families in Ethiopia (women, men and children) to find hope amidst strife and to see a future outside of violence. Today, you can inspire the people of Ethiopia to know that they’re loved beyond measure.
Did you know? Over the course of 20 years, Ethiopia and its people have played a significant part of our mandate to build up the church, affirm human dignity and inspire hope. Back in October, my team and I had the privilege of walking in faith with the people of Ethiopia during a solidarity visit there. Over the course of 8 days, we had the chance to listen to countless stories from our partners on the ground there who serve with God’s grace.
Take a moment today and click on the below video to view more. We invite you also to read about our journey, as shared on the CNEWA Blog. Links are provided below.
Our Ethiopian journey continues to bear much fruit. We look forward to providing much more care, as donations allow us to.
Please don’t wait! Offer a sacrificial gift on this Giving Tuesday and know that your love, care and support is allowing us to care for those in Ethiopia and around the world who are in desperate need. With your gift, you are choosing to be a loving disciple who will transform the world.