CNEWA Canada

How Can We Pray For You?

I hope you and your loved ones are doing well during these difficult times.

I know all of our lives have changed radically over the last few weeks. And Canada has responded in typical Canadian form to this pandemic, showing great generosity and dedication to working together to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Our staff are also trying to do their part and are currently working remotely from home. This is also true of the staff at our New York headquarters, as well as our Regional Offices around the world.

The President and Vice President of CNEWA, Msgr. Kozar and Msgr. Vaccari, are blessed to have a small chapel in their residence in New York City, and during their self-quarantine they are offering Mass each day for you, our supporters, and beneficiaries.

I invite you to share some of your personal needs that we could include in those liturgies. Is there a special intention you would like them to remember?  Please let us know! 

Send your prayer intentions to us at the email address below, and Msgr. Kozar and Msgr. Vaccari will be privileged to include them in the daily sacrifice of the Mass.

It is one small way we can stay connected to members of our CNEWA family, even while we are all living in quarantine.

Please also continue to pray for us and our partners working in some of the poorest areas of the world to help keep safe the vulnerable and marginalized.

May God’s grace help us all through these challenging times and may He bless you and those you love.

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