CNEWA Canada

In the Footsteps of Francis in the Holy Land

On 29 June 2014, I will be blessed to travel for the second time to the Holy Land with members of the Catholic Women’s League (C.W.L.). We are visiting Israel and Palestine for nine days on a spiritual pilgrimage and to learn about local Christians and Christian organizations.

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada has about 90,000 members in parishes all across Canada. Through the initiative called Velma’s Dream, they are currently supporting two projects in the Holy Land: the Infant Welfare Centre in Jerusalem and Shepherd’s Field Hospital near Bethlehem, both of which we will be visiting.

Velma Harasen, former national president of the C.W.L. and namesake of “Velma’s Dream,” will be accompanying us. Ms. Harasen also came with us last year. Her vision is to encourage the Catholic Women’s League to continue to support the poor in the Holy Land.

Our group also includes Betty Anne Brown Davidson, the current C.W.L. national president; Carl Hétu, CNEWA Canada’s national director; the Rev. Vincent Pereira of the Archdiocese of Ottawa; and participants from as far west as British Columbia and as far east as Quebec.

I look forward to this exciting trip, as we walk in the footsteps of Pope Francis, who made a recent pastoral visit to the Holy Land in May. The Holy Father encountered local Christians, prayed with them and lovingly listened to their stories.

Two of last year’s participants shared some reflections on the trip:

“I am so grateful for this trip on so many levels — to experience the land where Jesus chose to minister, to deepen my faith in God by reflecting on his presence in me ? to see what life is like as a Christian in an area of struggle.”

Angela Pomeroy, Kelowna, BC

“Wherever we went, we were continually reminded of the life of Christ in the sacred stones of the buildings we entered, but also in the “living stones,” the Christians we were so fortunate to meet. These people, living in Israel and Palestine, are desperately trying to maintain and preserve the Christian presence in the Holy Land.”

Chantal Devine, Caronport, SK

We will post an update on the blog during our trip, so stay tuned!

Learn more about Velma’s Dream on our website.

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