CNEWA Canada

Iraqi Christians Struggle On

This June marks six years since the Iraqi city of Mosul fell to ISIS.  CNEWA Canada’s Carl Hétu was featured recently in an article in Convivium magazine, sharing about the aftereffects on the lives of Iraqi Christians.

“Iraq is currently facing several crises simultaneously, including high unemployment, sectoral division and corruption,” said Carl Hétu. He added that the collapse of oil prices and the COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated these problems…

“Because of these factors, Christian families are leaving Iraq each month, going mainly to Lebanon and Jordan,” Carl Hétu said. 

“They could be stranded for years before they can find a home in Canada, Europe or other parts. They won’t go back to Iraq.   With the COVID-19 crisis they might be there for years to come, living in limbo.” 

To read more, check out the Convivium article here.

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