CNEWA Canada

Middle East Christians: Escaping Terror

Amira has known only poverty and war her entire life.

As Christians, her parents were forced to leave their home because of their faith. They struggle daily to find a source of income and cannot afford more than one meal a day for their family. Amira has never been to school and her parents worry that she will never experience the joys of childhood.

Thousands of Christians in the Middle East live in the midst of this same conflict and poverty. They need your help, particularly as they face a new enemy: COVID-19.

We are one body in Christ united with Christians in the Middle East. Their struggles are our struggles and it is our responsibility to help our brothers and sisters there to keep our faith alive.

Let’s show them that they are not alone. Help keep Christianity alive in the Middle East with a donation to CNEWA today.

Carl Hétu
National Director

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