CNEWA Canada

‘The Way of the Cross’ Station 5: Helping Jesus Carry the Cross

Fifth Station

Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross

Lord Jesus, on the way to Calvary you were crushed by the weight of carrying that cross. In vain, you hoped for help from a friend, from one of your disciples, from one of the many persons whose sufferings you relieved. Sadly, only a stranger, Simon of Cyrene, out of obligation, came to your aid. Where are the new Cyreneans of the third millennium? Where do we find them today?

We pray for all the Cyreneans of our history, that they may never falter in their desire to welcome you in the least of our brothers and sisters, in the knowledge that in welcoming the poorest members of our society, we welcome you. May these Samaritans speak out on behalf of those who have no voice.

From “The Way of the Cross with Pope Francis.”

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