CNEWA Canada

War in Holy Land: Statement, Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

The following is a statement from the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem regarding the current hostilities between Gaza and Israel.


The cycle of violence that has killed numerous Palestinians and Israelis in the past months has exploded this morning, Saturday, October 7, 2023. We assisted to a sudden explosion of violence that is very concerning due to its extension and intensity. The operation launched from Gaza and the reaction of the Israeli Army are bringing us back to the worst periods of our recent history. The too many causalities and tragedies, which both Palestinians and Israeli families have to deal with will create more hatred and division, and will destroy more and more any perspective of stability. 

We call on the international community, the religious leaders in the region and in the world, to make every effort in helping to de-escalate the situation, restore calm and work to guarantee the fundamental rights of people in the region. 

Unilateral declarations surrounding the status of religious sites and places of worship rattle religious sentiment and fuel even more hatred and extremism. It is therefore important to preserve the Status Quo in all the Holy Places in the Holy Land and in Jerusalem in particular.

The continuing bloodshed and declarations of war remind us once again of the urgent need to find a lasting and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian – Israeli conflict in this land, which is called to be a land of justice, peace and reconciliation among peoples.

We ask God to inspire world leaders in their intervention for the implementation of peace and concord so that Jerusalem may be a house of prayer for all peoples.

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