A Milestone: Fifty Years and Five Popes

A member of CNEWA’s family receives a papal award for 50 years of service.

Here at CNEWA, one person has made more than 300,000 phone calls and written over 350,000 letters to our friends and supporters. Who is this amazing person? She is my colleague Eileen Fay. And how can she be so productive? Eileen has worked for CNEWA since 8 November 1961. That’s 50 years — today!

What a nice party we had! The Holy Father even joined us, in a way: Pope Benedict has recognized Eileen’s exceptional dedication by awarding her the Croce Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. Monsignor John Kozar, our president, presented the beautiful cross to Eileen on behalf of the Holy Father.

Please say a prayer of thanks for Eileen. She’s working hard on your behalf. And if you call our office, and she happens to pick up the phone, make sure you congratulate her for her 50 years of service to CNEWA!

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