Our Mission
CNEWA’s mission is simple: to follow the lesson of the Good Samaritan, to “go and do likewise,” binding the wounds of a broken world, body and soul, as we strive to answer the question put to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
Quietly, prayerfully and joyfully, CNEWA works for, through and with the local churches. The men and women who form our regional teams in Addis Ababa, Amman, Asmara, Beirut, Ernakulam and Jerusalem — and our close partners at work throughout the Caucasus and Ukraine — have decades-long relationships with the people we serve and the ministries we support; they come from the communities of faith we serve for the common good of all.
When a crisis hits, and a community is confronted with disasters natural and human-made, CNEWA is there — and we remain there, offering continued support, ensuring immediate needs are met, faith is sustained and hope prevails, even when the lights, cameras and attention turn elsewhere.
Hope is CNEWA’s calling card. We exist not only to provide the essentials one can see — food, shelter, medicine — but we also provide the essentials one cannot see: comfort, consolation, education, faith and hope.