What We Do

In a world torn apart by war, poverty, injustice and oppression, countless numbers of people find hope and healing, thanks to Catholic Near East Welfare Association.

You are an important link in our network of help and hope. Below are a few ways you join us to help answer the question put to Jesus in the Gospel, “And who is our neighbor?”

We respond to human needs

CNEWA accompanies the Eastern churches as they respond to the very real human needs that envelop them.


They Need You!

The suspension — and potential elimination — of U.S. government funding of relief agencies, including… Help now >

We rush emergency relief

Catholic Near East Welfare Association is not an emergency relief organization by purpose or design. Yet, the reality of the world in which we work demands we respond to the human needs of the people served by our partners on the ground.


We accompany the local churches

Central to this commitment is our concern for leadership development — especially for those preparing for lives of service as priests, religious sisters and brothers, and as lay catechists and community leaders.


Get to know us and stay informed about the impact your support makes.

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