Nurturing Leadership, Transforming Communities

Members of the St. Joseph's Scouts in Gaza are mentored by university students as part of their ongoing formation. (CNEWA Jerusalem photo)

One of the central tenets of CNEWA’s mission to serve the Eastern churches is our concern for leadership development — not only for those preparing for lives of service as priests, religious sisters and brothers, but as lay catechists and community leaders as well. CNEWA’s mission and work often brings us to locations where, in the absence of trustworthy government institutions, the church serves as community center, outreach center and aid organization all at once. 

Here, and everywhere, the future of the church hinges upon strong and compassionate laity and community leadership.

None of CNEWA’s programs could function without the work of the many laypersons who, united in the mission of the Gospel, strive to grow the social impact of the church and take on the great challenge of ministry in the regions we serve. The societal issues addressed by the Catholic church in India are widespread and manifold, including abject poverty, alcohol abuse, HIV and AIDS, disabilities and communicable diseases and illnesses.

CNEWA’s commitment to supporting the vocation and mission of the lay faithful in the church and in the world is especially apparent in India. In a country where Catholics make up a religious minority, the work of laity is crucial to the preservation and growth of the church going forward. The robust church community both uplifts those on the margins of society and gives them the tools to uplift others by putting the word of God into action.

Your support of this good work helps the church in its efforts to live the Gospel not just now, but well into the future!

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