Help Us Rush Help

We are the arms that comfort. The hands that uplift. The shoulders that bear the burdens of suffering in so many places around the world experiencing war, genocide and humanitarian crises, environmental and humanmade. Thanks to the generosity and prayerful support of our friends and benefactors, CNEWA rushes emergency help — but it is never enough. 

We stand with those who have no one else to turn to. And we need you to help us. 

The churches throughout the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe are filled with faith and enthusiasm. Fired up by the Gospel, the men and women who form the Body of Christ bring light and hope in regions of the world seemingly cast under the perpetual darkness of fear, anger and extremism.   

But they need your help. You help make it possible to rush emergency aid to families devastated by drought in the Horn of Africa

You provide the funds to get vaccines and medicines to the isolated and frightened poor in India.

You help us save lives every day in Ukraine, bringing shelter and medical care to people who have seen their world turn upside down; and in Gaza and the occupied territories of the West Bank, you help offer comfort and care as the churches address the immediate needs of people under siege.

We need you to keep this vital work going — and growing. Your gift might fund a soup kitchen, reunite a mother and child or provide a warm meal at a shelter for a family who has lost their home. When a crisis strikes, we respond, working with the men and women of the local churches, on the ground, to provide health care, food and relief of all kinds.

We stand with the people of the hardest-hit regions in the world in times of extreme suffering, emergency and crisis. Won’t you stand with us?

Please make your gift today. Thank you. 

Get to know us and stay informed about the impact your support makes.

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