CNEWA Offers Course in Estate Planning

Catholic Near East Welfare Association is offering an introductory home study Creative Estate Planning Course. The five-part course covers “How You Can Shape the Future,” “How to Make a Better Will,” “How to Cope With Estate Tax Uncertainty,” “How Trusts Can Improve Your Estate Plan” and “How to Boost Income and Cut Taxes Now.”

The lessons, each four pages long, are written in nontechnical language and contain definitions of frequently used terms and helpful charts.

Rozanne M. Landers, CNEWA’s Planned Gifts Officer, said, “The lessons are easy to follow and thorough. Everything a person needs to know about planning an estate is here. A multiple-choice quiz at the end of each lesson lets the reader review the material before going on to the next one.”

The home study course is free with no obligation. After completing the course, the participant can send for “Your Personal Estate Planning Record.”

“Many people are not aware of their assets,” Ms. Landers said, “until they write them down. Then they are surprised to see how much they have.

“The planner,” said Ms. Landers, “lets people decide how they want to distribute their estate – to a spouse, children, other family members and, of course, to charity. We’ve included strategies so people can get the most out of their assets. Users will also find the planner a useful tool in preparing their wills.”

To receive the Creative Estate Planning Course, complete the form and mail it to Planned Gifts, Catholic Near East Welfare Association, 1011 First Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022-4195 or call 800-284-3806, ext. 503.

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