CNEWA Provides Computers for School in Ethiopia

In this video produced by CNEWA’s regional team in Ethiopia, learn about a CNEWA-funded project equipping the Lazarist Catholic School in Addis Ababa with computers.

CNEWA provided 36 computers for the Lazarist Catholic School, a nearly 100-year-old institution in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The new computers, as well as a projector and necessary accessories purchased with the help of local funds, benefit some 600 students who use the equipment to deepen their learning opportunities and improve their computer literacy in the digital age.

“We are very happy to see young faces who are using this technology in order to excel your future,” Argaw Fantu, CNEWA’s regional director for Ethiopia, told students while visiting the school.

Hear from Mr. Fantu, as well as students and the school’s principal, in this video produced by CNEWA’s regional team in Ethiopia.

Olivia Poust is assistant editor of ONE.

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