Connecting Youth to Faith in Egypt

As Egyptian Christians face an increase in social challenges, the church is working to ensure that young people feel connected to their faith. The Eparchy of Minya offers formation to young adults through the Institute of Religious Education, which teaches doctrine, theology and social sciences. Watch this video to learn more.

The Coptic Catholic Eparchy of Minya in Upper Egypt is helping to strengthen young Christians’ relationships to their faith through its Institute of Religious Education, which teaches theology, doctrine, social sciences and more.

“The institute’s goals include deepening and strengthening the faith among young people and teaching them how to live the faith in the daily reality of life,” said Father Shenouda Shafik, director of the institute.

Additionally, amid religious tensions and social challenges for Christians, the institute emphasizes the importance of cooperation.

“The students also learn about interfaith dialogue,” said Sister Mary Françoise, a teacher at the institute, who says it is important they learn “how to be a good witness to Christ in their university, community or work.”

Hear from the institute’s students and leaders in this video. Then, read more about the challenges facing Christians in Egypt in “Where Are We Going?” in the June 2024 edition of ONE magazine.  

Olivia Poust is assistant editor of ONE.

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