First Look: The Winter Issue of ONE

Our Winter issue of ONE magazine is now online!

Our Winter issue of ONE magazine is now online, and I’m excited to share with you this brief video preview.

Please take a moment to see what we have in store, and then visit our website for the complete issue:

I’d also encourage you to take advantage of an exciting new feature we’re offering: If you go to this link, you can find an online version of ONE that appears exactly as it does in print, complete with our beautiful photographs and layouts. A click of the mouse will turn the page. (You can also read this version by going to the magazine’s homepage and clicking on the Read ONE Online image on the upper right hand side of your screen.)

I think you’ll be inspired by some of the stories in this issue, and gain a new appreciation for the ways we’re able to uplift people in so many places around the world. It’s beautiful work you’re helping to make possible. Thank you!

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