From the Orphanage to the Altar

Home of Faith, Ernakulam

M.L. Thomas, CNEWA’s Regional Director for India, brings us a success story:

Shoney was a handicapped child in one of CNEWA’s sponsored institutions: Home of Faith, an orphanage in Ernakulam. Through the organization, he was able to undergo an operation to straighten his deformed leg, a handicap that he had been born with.

He received an education and from there he joined the seminary in 1997. His father and mother died while he was in seminary studies.

Despite enduring numerous tragic events and conditions, he has nonetheless striven ever forward. His efforts were not in vain; he was ordained into the priesthood on 20 April 2010. Now known as Father George Shoney Kandathinkara, he works for the mission diocese of Ujjain. Father Kandathinkara contacted us to offer his thanks to CNEWA for the support that enabled him to transform his life, and rise from a poor, handicapped boy to a Catholic priest. He especially thanks Mr. James Y. Rahm, of Huntington Beach, CA, a benefactor of CNEWA who sponsored him as a needy child.

M.L. Thomas is CNEWA’s regional director in India.

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