What’s the best part of being a priest? After 68 years of priesthood, Father Joseph P. Pagliuca says it’s helping promote vocations of future priests and sisters. Father Pagliuca retired to Italy about 18 years ago after serving as a priest of the Diocese of Burlington, Vt., since 1943. A longtime participant in CNEWA’s sponsorship programs, he has personally provided support for 33 seminarians and more than 100 women religious around the world. “My greatest joy are my seminarians and novices,” Father Pagliuca told Msgr. Denis J. Madden, Associate Secretary General, during a recent visit. Father Pagliuca lives in Pescino, a farming community located about 100 miles northwest of Rome in the foothills of the Apennines. He celebrates Mass in the two village churches and visits the sick daily. He reported that one of his favorite activities is corresponding with “his” priests, novices and seminarians.