Harsh Living Conditions in Dbayeh

Elias Issa Msays and his family live in the refugee camp in Dbayeh, north of Beirut, where they face numerous challenges, including their precarious housing. Hear from Mr. Msays in this video.

Elias Issa Msays has lived at Dbayeh camp in Lebanon for a decade. The condition of his house “speaks for itself,” he said. Mr. Msays lives with his wife and 3-year-old son in a home that poses multiple problems for their safety, including a ceiling that’s falling in and another that is damp and moldy.

Mr. Msays also broke his neck in an accident. He suffered a brain hemorrhage and was in a coma for four days, losing his job in the process.

“Thank God, Pontifical Mission has been helping in the camp,” he said. “They’re helping us with supplies, food and other things. And now we’re asking if they can help us fix this ceiling and the dampness here.”

Hear from Mr. Msays in this video, then read more about Dbayeh camp in “At an Impasse” in the December 2024 edition of ONE magazine.

Olivia Poust is assistant editor of ONE.

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