ONE Magazine

The official publication of
Catholic Near East Welfare Association

Celebrating 50 years | God • World • Human Family • Church

Candid Camera at CNEWA

A brief glimpse at the hardworking group that makes up Catholic Near East Welfare Association.

Welcome to our home office!

Since we are in constant contact with many of you through your letters of concern and generous contributions for those we serve overseas, we thought you might like to see what we look like. So recently we brought a “Candid Camera” into our busy offices.

The home office for Catholic Near East Welfare Association is located in New York’s Catholic Center on First Avenue.

Of the almost 1000 men and women employed in the Center, approximately 50 of them spend their days hard at work in CNEWA’s 15th floor offices. It is these dedicated people who are the intermediaries between you and those men, women, and children of the Near East who are helped by you.

Get to know us and stay informed about the impact your support makes.

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