ONE Magazine

The official publication of
Catholic Near East Welfare Association

Celebrating 50 years | God • World • Human Family • Church

GEORGIA: The CNEWA Connection

CNEWA has worked closely with Caritas Georgia to uplift those in need in Georgia for decades. The people of Georgia have endured war, earthquakes, political upheaval and more — and CNEWA, with our friends at Caritas, has helped them feel they are not forgotten.

Our support over the years has included reaching out to help the infirm, orphans and those suffering from poverty or hunger.

More recently, a growing population of poor elderly citizens — the “new orphans” — has benefited from CNEWA’s assistance, from warm winter programs to home health care assistance.

Through our generous donors, CNEWA has assisted Caritas Georgia’s outreach efforts to children in need, including its art therapy program and emergency medical aid to families impacted by war.

In recent years, Caritas has expanded its social services — setting up soup kitchens for the elderly, children and the homeless, and providing some modest sense of stability in an unstable world, with day programs that bring those who are forlorn and forgotten a sense of belonging.

To help the people of Georgia know they are not forgotten, call:
1-800-442-6392 (United States) or 1-866-322-4441 (Canada).

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