“It is a heartbreaking experience, visiting some of the Sisters of the Destitute and witnessing their work,” writes M.L. Thomas, CNEWA’s regional director in India. These sisters live and work among the poorest in India’s densely populated neighborhoods and slums.
Through the years, CNEWA has supported the sisters in a number of ways. In the Delhi slum of Reti Mandi, we provide medicines and food. Thanks to our benefactors, we also support the sisters’ work with tribal children in the hilly regions of Idukki in Kerala in southwestern India, and assist in the formation of novices.
“I think CNEWA’s mission is to spread the love of the church,” Mr. Thomas says. “We must strengthen the hands of those who devote their lives to spreading the Good News … and who are extending those hands to give a peaceful embrace to those in need.”
To help the sisters offer that embrace, call:
1-800-442-6392 (United States)
or 1-866-322-4441 (Canada).