ONE ist Nummer Eins
The Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada conferred 10 awards on ONE magazine, five of them firsts, at the association’s annual convention in May, held this year in Brooklyn, New York.
On awarding the bimonthly first place for general excellence in the mission magazines category, the judges wrote, “from its beautifully printed photographs to its well-reported, -written and -edited articles, ONE takes the mission of its parent organization … and uses that as a jumping-off point for a bimonthly roster of stories of impressive breadth and variety … ONE weaves together perspectives of Catholic life, mission work, multiculturalism and more to create a journalistically sound and visually stunning magazine with something to interest almost anyone, Catholic or not.”
ONE also won awards for best cover, best photograph, best essay, best feature article and best photo essay. CNEWA is especially pleased that Daria Erdosy, graphic designer, received a first-place award for individual excellence.
One Church, Divided
Chorbishop John D. Faris, CNEWA’s Associate Secretary General, participated in the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation, 4-6 June, held at St. Vladimir’s Seminary in Crestwood, New York.
Members of the consultation discussed the primacy of the papacy and the role of the Petrine ministry, perhaps the most significant issue separating the churches. Now in its 42nd year, the consultation is the oldest dialogue between Orthodox and Catholics.
In Her Son’s Memory
Pat Wight of Littleton, Colorado, has given generously to a boys home in India to honor the memory of her son, Matthew Christian, who died earlier this year. The home, which cares for 45 boys — many of whom have been abandoned — is in the state of Maharashtra.
In lieu of flowers, Mrs. Wight has asked her family, friends and parishioners to remember Matthew Christian by assisting CNEWA in renovating the orphanage, which is administered by the Sisters of St. John the Baptist for the Syro-Malabar Catholic Eparchy of Chanda. The home also needs new bathrooms and upgraded facilities.
A good friend of CNEWA, Mrs. Wight also supports a grade school in southern Ethiopia and sponsors the formation of a seminarian, to whom she is particularly devoted.
CNEWA Canada’s New Leadership
On 26 June, the Most Rev. Terrence T. Prendergast, S.J., was installed as archbishop of Ottawa. A landmark day for Catholics of Canada’s capital city, it is also significant for CNEWA. The archbishop of Ottawa is automatically chair of the board of bishops governing CNEWA Canada.
Archbishop Prendergast is no stranger to CNEWA. Just under four years ago, while serving as archbishop of Halifax, he accepted an invitation from Archbishop Marcel Gervais, now archbishop emeritus of Ottawa, to join CNEWA Canada’s board.
Our prayerful best wishes are with him as he begins his new ministry.
A Patriarchal Visit
The Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria, Antonios I, was the guest of honor at a CNEWA luncheon in New York on 29 May.
Patriarch Antonios guides more than 250,000 Coptic Catholics, most of whom live in Egypt. A large number of Coptic Catholics, however, are beginning to emigrate to Europe, North America and Oceania.
Eastern Catholic and Orthodox hierarchs joined executives from CNEWA’s New York office in welcoming the patriarch, who was elected in March 2006.
Requiescat in Pace
Bishop Pierre Duprey, M. Afr., who served the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity for more than 35 years, died 13 May at the age of 84.
A zealous ecumenist and an expert on the Eastern churches, Bishop Duprey joined the council in 1963 after serving as an observer at the first Pan-Orthodox Conference in 1961 and as a theologian and interpreter for Orthodox observers attending the first session of Vatican II.