ONE Magazine

The official publication of
Catholic Near East Welfare Association

Celebrating 50 years | God • World • Human Family • Church

Our World

Stories and events from around the world of CNEWA.

Exhibit Inaugurated

John Cardinal O’Connor, Archbishop of New York and President of CNEWA, inaugurated an exhibit marking the 50th anniversary of the Pontifical Mission for Palestine on 22 June.

In inaugurating the exhibit – displayed in the lobby of the New York Catholic Center, which houses the headquarters of CNEWA and the Pontifical Mission – the Cardinal noted that throughout the Middle East people welcome the Pontifical Mission because it is there to provide help based on need, not religious or political affiliation.

He thanked the assembled staff for their engagement in “one of the most important and constructive activities of the church.”

A Dutch Treat

On 6 July in Amsterdam, Msgr. Denis Madden, Associate Secretary General, addressed members of the Brenninkmeijer family, a wealthy Dutch family engaged worldwide in the retail clothing business, and representatives of the International Charity Committee of Stichting Porticus, the principal funding agency of the Brenninkmeijer family. Msgr. Madden’s topic was “The Holy Land as We Approach the Third Millennium: A Place and Time for Dialogue.”

The next day, he met with Stichting Porticus staff to view their organization and operations and explore common interests and concerns.

Forming Eastern Catholic Priests

From 27 June to 4 July, rectors and spiritual directors from Eastern Catholic seminaries in Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia and Rome convened a meeting at Lviv Theological Academy in Lviv, Ukraine, to discuss spiritual direction and personal formation of Eastern Catholic seminarians. Chorbishop John D. Faris, Assistant Secretary General, represented CNEWA at the meetings, which were subsidized in part by CNEWA and sponsored by the Congregation for the Eastern Churches.

Eastern Catholic Booklet

A new, 38-page booklet, “Eastern Catholics in the United States of America,” provides information about the Eastern Catholic churches for Latin (Roman) Catholics.

Published by the U.S. Catholic Conference, the booklet gives a brief overview of the spirituality, theology, liturgy and sacramental practices characteristic of the Eastern Catholic churches. It also provides information about Eastern Catholic jurisdictions in the United States and summarizes legal and pastoral norms for priests of the Latin Church who are approached for sacraments by Eastern Church Catholics.

To order “Eastern Catholics in the United States” (Publication No. 5-287) at a cost of $1.95 per copy, call toll-free (800) 235-8722.

Our Man in Beirut

The Catholic TV channel in Lebanon, Tele Lumière, interviewed Issam Bishara, our Regional Director for Lebanon, Syria and Egypt, on its weekly program, “God Is With You,” on 24 June.

During the one-hour interview, Mr. Bishara described the history of the Pontifical Mission, its role in Lebanon, including some of the projects undertaken by the agency there, its relationship to CNEWA, its sources of funding and the leadership role of Msgr. Stern. Mr. Bishara also reviewed film clips of our Lebanon projects.

Justice and Peace in the Holy Land

Plans for the organization of a national justice and peace commission for the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem were finalized during a special meeting of the American lieutenants of the order held in Chicago on 14 July. Msgr. Robert L. Stern, Secretary General, assisted in the development of the plans.

The Lieutenancy of Ireland of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre held its annual meeting and investiture in Dublin on 23 and 24 July. Msgr. Stern addressed the Knights and Ladies at their chapter meeting about the complexities of the present situation in the Holy Land.

CNEWA Visitors

Most seminarians sponsored by CNEWA are poor. Often, their families depend on them to help support the home. They cannot afford to pay for the long period of preparation for the priesthood. Your sponsorship helps these young men to respond to God’s call to service.

What countries need sponsors?
Vocations to the priesthood are increasing in Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe. Hundreds of seminarians in the lands we serve need generous sponsors.

What does it cost to sponsor a seminarian?
In most of the countries we serve, it costs more than $1,000 per year to support a seminarian. We suggest you give $84 a month. If this is not possible, please consider a partial sponsorship of at least $62 a month.

How often should I make payments?
Your sponsorship payment can be made monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually. Semiannual or annual payments help reduce processing costs.

Do all of my contributions go directly to the seminarian?
Yes, they do except for a small percentage used to cover administrative costs.

May I write to my seminarian?
Please do! Address your letters to CNEWA, 1011 First Avenue, New York, NY 10022-4195. Include your full name, your personal sponsorship I.D. number and your seminarian’s full name and location code.

To avoid additional requests for support, please do not include your return address. Also, please avoid making political references that could cause difficulties for seminarians in certain countries.

Will my seminarian write to me?
Within the first few months you should receive a letter of introduction from your seminarian. Seminarians are encouraged to write to their sponsors, especially at Christmas. We will do everything we can to expedite communication between you and your seminarian. Sometimes responses are irregular because of language difficulties or the postal system.

May I send gifts to my seminarian?
Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to send packages overseas. However, you may wish to send a monetary gift instead (please, a minimum of $10).

Since seminarians are members of a community, gifts are used at the discretion of the seminary rector. Sometimes gifts are shared with the entire community.

May I visit my seminarian?
In some of the countries we serve, travel is difficult and occasionally restricted. If, however, you plan to visit the region, consider visiting your seminarian. Contact us in advance so that we can make arrangements with the seminary rector.

How long does it take for a seminarian to be ordained?
The length of study and preparation for the priesthood varies somewhat from country to country. Seminarians are normally ordained as priests after studying two or three years of philosophy, four years of theology and sometimes one or more years of pastoral and spiritual training.

What happens if my seminarian leaves the seminary?
If your seminarian decides to discontinue his studies for the priesthood, a new one will be introduced to you. But please remember all seminarians in your prayers!

An Ecumenical Giant

Most novices sponsored by CNEWA are poor. Often, their families depend on them to help support the home. They cannot afford to pay for the long period of preparation for the religious life. Your sponsorship helps these young women to respond to God’s call to service.

Who is the novice?
A novice is a young woman who is in a formation program to become a religious sister. However, they usually come from poor families and cannot afford to pay for their education.

What countries need sponsors for novices?
Vocations to the religious life are abundant in India. Novices in the Middle East, Northeast Africa and Eastern Europe are equally in need of generous sponsors.

What does it cost to sponsor a novice?
In most of the countries we serve, it costs hundreds of dollars per year to support a novice. We suggest a donation of $56 a month. If this is not possible, please consider a partial sponsorship of at least $34 a month.

How often should I make payments?
Your sponsorship payments may be made monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually. Semiannual or annual payments help reduce our processing costs.

Do all of my contributions go directly to the novices?
Yes, it does except for a small percentage used to cover our administrative costs. In some countries it may be more than enough. In that case, any extra is used to support novices without sponsors.

May I write to my novice?
Please do! Address your letters to CNEWA, 1011 First Avenue, New York, NY 10022-4195. Include your full name, personal sponsorship I.D. number and your novice’s full name and location code.

To avoid additional requests for support, please do not include your address in your letters. Also, do not make political references that could cause difficulties for novices in certain countries.

Will my novice write to me?
Within the first few months you should receive a letter of introduction from your novice. Novices are encouraged to write to their sponsors, especially at Christmas. We will do everything we can to help expedite communication between you and your novice. Sometimes responses are irregular because of language difficulties or postal system.

May I send gifts to my novice?
It is not possible for us to send packages overseas. You may wish to send a monetary gift instead (please, minimum of $10).

Because a novice is a member of a religious community, living with a vow of poverty, personal gifts are used at the discretion of the novice’s superior. Often, gifts are shared with the entire community.

May I visit my novice?
In some of the countries we serve, travel is difficult and even restricted. However, if you intend to visit the region, consider visiting your novice. Contact us in advance so that we can make arrangements with the novice’s superior.

How long does it take for a novice to become a professed sister?
Usually, novices make their first profession after two years of formation. Many continue their educational and pastoral studies, however, depending on their ministries.

What happens if my novice leaves the novitiate?
If your novice decides to leave her religious congregation, a new one will be introduced to you. But please remember both women in your prayers!

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