O God, peace loving, meek, and benevolent, and friend of man, Thou desirest mercy and not offerings, and art more pleased with contrite hearts than with burnt offerings. Syrian Rite
O Christ, who art the glory and image of the Father, Thou hast appeared in the form of a man and hast lightened the darkness of our minds with the Light of Thy Gospel; we thank Thee, we worship Thee, we magnify Thee, forever, O Lord of the World. Make us wise, O Lord, with Thy Law; clarify our powers with Thy Wisdom; sanctify our souls with Thy Truth and make us docile to Thy Word and obedient to Thy commandments, forever and ever, O Lord of the World. Chaldean Rite
God of truth and Father of mercy, by the blessed patriarchs Thou wert called God, but it pleases Thee that we sinners should lovingly name you Father; may this new name, O Lord, ever shine more brightly in Thy holy Church. Armenian Rite
God of truth and Father of mercy, by the blessed patriarchs You were called God, but it pleases You that we sinners should lovingly name You Father; may this new name, O Lord, by which we are honored, ever shine more brightly in Your holy Church. Armenian Rite
Great and eternal God, You created in man integrity, and by the life-giving coming of Your only Son, our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ, You destroyed that death by which the malice of the devil entered the world. You have filled the whole creation with peace from heaven, for which the angel host glorifies You. Coptic Rite
Lord, we beseech Thee, through the prayers of Thy mother, put far from this land and its people all evils and afflictions; let there be an end to war and exile, to famine and disease. Have compassion on our weakness, heal our ills, help us in our distress, save us from injustice. Maronite Rite