She who is higher than the heavens and more gloriousthan the cherubim, she who is held in greater honorthan all creation, she who by reason of hersurpassing purity became the receiver of the everlastingEssence, today commends her most pure soulinto the hands of her Son. With her all things are filledwith joy and she bestows great mercy upon us.†
Sing, O ye people, sing ye the praises of the Mother of our God:for today she delivers her soul, full of light,into the immaculate hands of Him who was made incarnate of herwithout seed. And she entreats Him without ceasingto grant the inhabited earth peace and great mercy.†
Neither the tomb nor death had powerover the Theotokos, who is ever watchful in her prayersand in whose intercession lies unfailing hope.For as the Mother of Life she has been transported into life by Himwho dwelt within her ever-virgin womb.†
The angelic powers were amazed as they looked in Zion upontheir own Master, bearing in His hands the soul of a woman:for as befitted a Son, He said to her who without spothad borne Him: Come, honored among women,and be glorified together with thy Son and God.In thee, O Virgin without spot, the bounds of natureare overcome: for childbirth remains virginand death is betrothed to life. O Theotokos, Virgin afterbearing child and alive after death,do thou ever save thine inheritance.†
Let the trumpets of the apostles ring out today,and let the voices of men sound praises in many tongues.Let the air re-echo, shining with infinite light,and let the angels honor with hymns theDormition of the Virgin.†
O gracious Lady, raise thy holy hands towardsthy Son, the Maker and Lover of our souls,that He may take pity on thy servants.