We adore you, O Lord, and give you thanks,
for you made us in your image and likeness.
We extol your redemption, O only Son,
for by your coming you have shown us mercy and have given us life.
Though you were true God, beyond suffering and death,
you desired, in your kind mercy, to become human for our sake,
to visit the dead, and to fill them with your presence.
You, O Christ, are the light that never ceases.
You were entombed like all mortals and, with your living voice,
you woke all the just who were deep in sleep.
You removed from creation the ancient sadness, and gathered
the nations to worship you and to announce
your salvation in every place.
Yesterday, the King was crucified and battered with sufferings;
and today, by his resurrection, he has shone victoriously.
Yesterday his side was pierced by a lance,
and today, in his compassion,
he opened up for us the waters of baptism.
Yesterday he was crowned with thorns,
and today he has adorned his church with a crown of splendor.
Yesterday sadness covered all creation,
and today the joy of resurrection has pervaded the whole universe.
On this day, O Lord, Maker of life,
your church glorifies you and cries to you
with the fragrance of this incense:
as you saved us by your passion
and granted us life by your resurrection,
so now clothe our bodies with the power of your Spirit,
that we may all shine in the robe of glory
and be able to meet you, O Christ, the true Bridegroom.
In your grace, make us worthy to enter your heavenly kingdom,
along with all our faithful departed,
that we may glorify you, your Father, and your Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.