NEW YORK – Mill Hill Father Guido Gockel has been elected National Secretary of CNEWA United States.
Msgr. Robert L. Stern, Secretary General, who made the announcement, said Father Guido will be responsible for promoting the works of the agency and raising funds in the United States to support it.
In 1997, the Dutch-born priest joined CNEWA’s Jerusalem office as its Associate Director. The following year, he was named Regional Director for Palestine, Israel and Cyprus. While there, the office launched a labor-intensive community development program that provides jobs to unemployed heads of households in the West Bank, particularly Bethlehem and its environs, areas hit hardest by unemployment during the Palestinian intifada.
A member of St. Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill, headquartered near London, Father Guido was ordained a priest in 1969. He served as a missionary in Malaysia for 15 years and was active in the charismatic renewal movement in Europe and the United States.
Father Guido replaces Chorbishop John D. Faris, who remains Associate Secretary General of CNEWA.
Founded by Pope Pius XI in 1926, CNEWA is a special agency of the Vatican providing support to the churches and peoples of the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe. Its programs include care for needy children, formation of priests and religious sisters, village redevelopment projects, health care, education and interfaith dialogue.