‘Not Really Lost’: Struggle for Land Rights in West Bank

Alice Kisiya’s family has lived on their land in Al Makhrour valley in the West Bank for generations — until now. In this video, Ms. Kisiya describes the demolition and seizure of her family’s land by Israeli settlers, backed by the Israeli military, and her resolve to get it back.

Alice Kisiya’s family’s land and restaurant in Al Makhrour valley in the West Bank — where they have lived for generations — was a place that brought the community together. The Palestinian Christian family hosted religious events, including weddings, on their property and their restaurant welcomed people from all backgrounds.

However, demolitions executed by the Jewish National Fund and settlers began in 2012, targeting the restaurant.

“It was demolished four times and in the fourth time, the house was demolished along with the restaurant,” said Ms. Kisiya.

“The house and the restaurant that we had, it was a beautiful place.”

The outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas led to a further escalation of the situation on her family’s land. On 31 July, settlers seized the land through military orders alone.

“From what I feel inside, this land, it’s not really lost,” she said. “We will keep fighting until we get it back, even if it takes time.”

Hear more from Ms. Kisiya in this video, then read “Rooted in the Land Called Holy” in the December 2024 edition of ONE magazine.

Olivia Poust is assistant editor of ONE.

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