ONE: Holding, Together — But Not Only

The June 2024 edition of ONE magazine includes stories from the Holy Land, Lebanon, Georgia, Egypt and the ONE archive.

In periods of crisis, sometimes all we can do is hold on — hold on together, hold on to faith — until others, emboldened by love and a sense of mission, come around, like Good Samaritans, to provide us with the help and hope we need.

In the June 2024 edition of ONE, we are pleased to bring you stories of how men and women of the church, motivated by the Gospel and committed to the common good, respond to the many crises impacting ordinary men and women throughout CNEWA’s world.

Our cover story reports on the historic spring visit of Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, chair of CNEWA’s international board of trustees, to Israel and Palestine to mark the 75th anniversary of Pontifical Mission, CNEWA’s operating arm in the Middle East.

This edition continues to look back at some seminal periods in CNEWA’s world covered by this magazine in its 50 years of publication. In this edition, readers will find a reprint of “Is Islam Compatible With Democracy?” written by Georgetown University professor John L. Esposito, originally published during the initial stages of the so-called Arab Spring in the July 2011 edition of ONE.

In this current issue, readers will also:

ONE is committed to telling the stories from the world of the Eastern churches — many of which would not be shared otherwise — and is pleased to introduce and recognize so many unknown heroes, ordinary men and women doing extraordinary things as they live out the question put to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

Laura Ieraci is the editor of ONE magazine.

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