ONE Wins Again!

The Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada presented ONE magazine with eight awards at its annual convention in May held this year in Anaheim, California.

ONE received three first-place prizes, including Individual Excellence for Photography or Art, Best Multiple Picture Feature Story and Best Photo Story.

The magazine also received one second-place award for Best Feature Story and four third-place awards, including Best Web Site, Best Investigative Writing or Analysis, Best Feature Article and Best Photo Story.

The judges are drawn from the secular press by the American Press Institute in Reston, Virginia. Congratulations to the editorial board and staff!

1. FIRST PLACE. Individual Excellence, Photographer or Artist, All Classes (books, newspapers and magazines), Daria Erdosy. “The combination of strong photojournalism with effective use of graphics and layout made these entries clearly stand out. The photography is storytelling and compelling.”

2. FIRST PLACE. Best Multiple Picture, Feature story, All Magazine Classes, “Rooted in Wood”. Hands down the winner in this category. Exceptional images, great crops, size and play. As a viewer and then a reader, I found the images visually compelling and they did an excellent job of supporting the story — so much so I was left wanting to see more. Not only in the photography exceptional, but the overall design of the package is as well!”

3. FIRST PLACE, Best Photo Story, All Magazine Classes, “Ethiopia’s New Jerusalem” . “This photographer used light, composition and movement to begin to tell the story of this place. The people in this story give it a humanity that nearly allows it to escape being a travel piece. I am intrigued by the photos and the insights that are shared through this well-edited piece, especially how the photographer expresses with light.”

4. SECOND PLACE, Best Feature Story, Mission Magazines, “Penniless, Bruised and Sick” . “Writer adroitly combines quotes from those most affected by the dire situation described in the article with backgrounders by those in the know. Writer has eye for detail especially when describing certain individuals as they answer her questions. Reader gets engaged and is almost prodded to come up with solutions to the crisis.”

5. THIRD PLACE, Best Web Site, All Magazine Classes ( “The slideshows on this site are incredibly well done. Web-only content is clearly labeled. ‘Voices from Little Ethiopia’ had great photos, great audio and strong editing.”

6. THIRD PLACE, Best Investigative Writing or Analysis, All Magazine Classes, “Kerala’s Bittersweet Phenomenon”. “With strong reporting and intimate depictions of family life in Kerala, India, this writer illustrates that in Third World countries, the harsh sacrifices required of families to climb out of poverty may be inevitable. And the best a priest can offer may be to offer comfort.”

7. THIRD PLACE, Best Feature Article, Mission Magazines, “Pillars of Lebanon”. “Relentlessly optimistic and upbeat in style. Writer’s genuine enthusiasm for topic and sources is contagious as we are prompted to join in a life-affirming article.”

8. THIRD PLACE, Best Photo Story, All Magazine Classes, “Russia’s Fortified Tabernacles”. “An informative piece that shows both the structures and the community.”

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