Stories From the Field: COVID-19 Relief in Eritrea

We received a report this week on the first relief packages being delivered to those battling the COVID-19 pandemic in the northeast African country of Eritrea.

Sister Lettemariam, a Daughter of Charity and our regional director in the country, notes that grain and oil were delivered and distributed to more than 334 people at five different sites. Mothers with small children were seen praying in gratitude as they received their sacks of grain. In fact, the overwhelming majority of people receiving the materials were women, because their husbands are serving in the military.

A message accompanying the report reads:

“Thanks to CNEWA for your solidarity at this critical time of life and death. We are mothers raising children and at this period of the global pandemic, we find ourselves lacking the basics of life. We live in a remote place, far from social services and market places. We face dangers and threats to life. We are very grateful for CNEWA’s provision. Thanks to all who toiled to purchase the grain and bring it here. We offer our gratitude and prayers!”  

CNEWA established the COVID-19 Emergency Fund in April, in response to the call of Pope Francis to remember and support the most vulnerable during the coronavirus pandemic.

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