Join us in prayer for the millions of people worldwide who are forced to flee their homes in search of safety and a better life. These men, women and children have endured unimaginable hardships — war, violence, religious persecution. 

For these people, hope lies in the possibility of a new beginning. In these challenging times, let us not turn away, but instead extend our hearts in prayer and action for these brothers and sisters of ours. Now more than ever, they need our respect, compassion and support.

During a visit to the Dbayeh refugee camp in July 2024, members of our New York and Beirut teams participated in a workshop on the horror of human trafficking. Migrant and refugee children and women are too often the victims of this criminal activity. A mural painted on a wall in the camp showed smiling children dancing and singing. However, the faces of the children were filled with fear, worry and anxiety. 

There were no smiles.

One of the constant themes in the teaching of Pope Francis is children who have hope are children who smile

CNEWA, as an instrument of healing and hope, wants every child within its reach to have a reason to smile. As followers of Jesus, the Light of the World, we incarnate the parable of the Good Samaritan with our words, deeds and gifts, replacing indifference with benevolence, banishing callousness and replacing it with love and compassion.

Most importantly, we build a more just and merciful world in the image of the Prince of Peace. In a world often divided by rhetoric and the denigration of the “other,” it is vital to remember there is no “us” and “them.” 

There is only us.

We are all part of one human family, and we must stand together in solidarity. We are committed to answering the call to love our neighbor, especially those in desperate need. Please give what you can to support CNEWA’s programs supporting these vulnerable communities of refugees and migrants. Your generosity directly impacts the lives of the most vulnerable, offering them a chance for a brighter future. 

Thank you for your generous support!

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