The Eastern Christian Churches by Ronald Roberson

Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America

With the end of World War II and the establishment of a communist government in Albania, the 15 Albanian parishes in the United States and Canada began to seek a normal canonical status as a diocese. One group of parishes petitioned the Ecumenical Patriarchate to send a bishop. In response, Constantinople sent Bishop Mark Lipa (1919-1982), who organized several parishes as a new diocese. Another, larger group of parishes was formed into a diocese by the controversial Bishop Theofan Noli (1882-1965), who was not recognized by the other Orthodox churches.

In 1971 Bishop Theofan’s diocese was received into the Orthodox Church in America as an Archdiocese. It has 11 parishes. The diocese of the Ecumenical Patriarchate continues as the Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America. Today it has five worshiping communities, headed by Bishop Ilia Katre of Philomelion (6455 Silver Dawn Lane, Las Vegas, Nevada 89118). He also served as Dean of the Orthodox Theological Academy in Albania from 2003 until 2004.

Location: The United States and Canada
Head: Bishop Ilia Katre of Philomelion (born 1937)
Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada 89118

Last Modified: 29 July 2021

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