As in many parts of the world, communities of religious women in India are the church’s foot soldiers, working among the poor and vulnerable in places many people would not want to work.
The patience, love and strength to do this difficult work come from a distinct call to dedicate their lives entirely to Christ and to serve him in his people, says each sister recently interviewed by ONE, who recounted their vocation story in their own way.
“I feel proud to be a nun,” says Sister Tresa Peter Paramben of the Daughters of Mary. “I have never once wanted to turn away from this life that’s dedicated to Jesus.”
“I joined religious life to love and serve Jesus,” says Anuja Kerketta, a novice with the Congregation of St. Martha.
Read more about the commitment of religious women in India in “Seeking Christ, Serving Christ” in the September 2022 issue of ONE.
Visit with two Indian religious communities, the Daughters of Mary and the Congregation of St. Martha, in the video below.