ONE Magazine

The official publication of
Catholic Near East Welfare Association

Celebrating 50 years | God • World • Human Family • Church

The CNEWA Connection

In supporting the Church of Jerusalem, CNEWA is humbled to be of service to the people of God living in the very cradle of the land we call “Holy.” It is, however, a region facing profound challenges — scarred by war, traumatized by terror, and unsettled by the displacement of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children. Thankfully, due to generations of generous benefactors, CNEWA offers stability and hope, which are otherwise often in short supply.

Working through our offices in Jerusalem and Amman, which are known locally as CNEWA-Pontifical Mission, we have supported Christian-run hospitals, clinics, orphanages, schools and social service programs, partnering with communities of women religious, such as the Comboni Missionaries, the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, the Rosary Sisters and the Sisters of St. Dorothy, as well as local parishes and eparchies.

These efforts have reached wave after wave of displaced peoples and migrants, from Palestinian refugees after 1949 to the Asians and Africans seeking refuge in Israel and the Iraqi and Syrian refugees fleeing to Jordan today.

In Gaza, long a prison of grinding poverty, we have supported efforts of the local church to teach hearing- and visually impaired children, and offered counseling to support their families. And although the church in Gaza is tiny, numbering just 1,500 Christians or so, their impact is large. Through the generosity of our donors, we have supported Gaza’s Christians to help provide health care, counseling and support to so many innocent Gazan families in desperate need.

Beyond the considerable material and educational needs of the people served by the Church of Jerusalem, CNEWA has been there to help meet the spiritual needs of the faithful. Programs have included support for parish life activities, from catechetical programs for the youth to the formation of community leaders, as well as counseling for refugee children and support of pastoral initiatives of the Hebrew-speaking church.

In ways large and small, CNEWA offers opportunity and a better future to people at every phase of life — from expectant women in urgent need of care for their babies, to children hungry for education, to families trying to start over after war, to the elderly in need of tender attention and support. We are there.

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1-866-322-4441 (Canada)
1-800-442-6392 (United States)

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