CNEWA Delegation Concludes Anniversary Visit

This travel log by Msgr. Peter I. Vaccari, who recently returned from visiting Syria, Lebanon and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, highlights the work of Pontifical Mission as it celebrates its 75th anniversary.

This year, Pontifical Mission, founded as Pontifical Mission for Palestine in 1949 and entrusted to CNEWA, marks its 75th anniversary. Commemorations for this papal initiative for the Middle East began with Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan’s visit to Israel and Palestine in April.

The following travel log written by CNEWA’s delegation — Msgr. Peter I. Vaccari, president, Tresool Singh-Conway, chief financial officer, and Thomas Varghese, director of programs — highlights the work of Pontifical Mission across Syria, Lebanon and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Find more content from the visit on our blog.

Friday, 19 July 2024

We began the day in Lebanon with a visit to Al Younbouh, a center for the education and rehabilitation of children and young adults with intellectual and neuro-developmental disabilities. The goal of the center is to improve the quality of life for these beneficiaries as they are prepared for integration into society through a wide range of programs and workshops. CNEWA-Pontifical Mission, through your donations, has assisted this program in the most difficult of times.

Midday, we made our first visit to the Dbayeh refugee camp, located just outside of Beirut. Established in the 1950s to receive Palestinian refugees expelled during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, today the population of the camp is divided principally between Palestinian and Lebanese families with a small percentage of Syrian families. Projects are supported by Pontifical Mission, in partnership with the aid agency Misereor. Educational programs, psychosocial counseling and awareness programs are conducted under a Joint Christian Committee. CNEWA-Pontifical Mission also supports the presence of the Little Sisters of Nazareth and the health care assistance they provide.

In the evening, Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Rai presided over and preached at a commemorative Mass in the presence of almost 300 guests to mark Pontifical Mission’s 75th anniversary. Participants included Armenian Catholic Patriarch Raphael Bedros XXI Minassian, I.C.P.B., more than a dozen bishops, priests and monks, consecrated women, government representatives, representatives of the Orthodox churches, lay leadership involved in Pontifical Mission’s many projects, and many others who traveled great distances to express their gratitude and to celebrate the presence of CNEWA-Pontifical Mission in their lives.

After the Mass, a reception organized by our Beirut office recognized the mission of CNEWA in the region.

Saturday, 20 July 2024

This morning, we returned to the Dbayeh refugee camp.

First, we recorded the July edition of “Connections With Msgr. Peter.”We had the opportunity to assemble a panel, including Michel Constantin, regional director of CNEWA-Pontifical Mission’s office in Beirut; Darine Tawk, projects coordinator; Sister Marie Claude Naddaf and Nayri Arslanian from “Wells of Hope,” Talitha Kum’s program in the Middle East; Tresool Singh-Conway, chief financial officer for CNEWA; Thomas Varghese, director of programs for CNEWA; and myself. We spoke about the 75th anniversary, the refugee camp, the range of our programs and CNEWA’s increased activity in the fight to end the scourge of human trafficking and to offer protection and assistance to survivors of trafficking in any of its vicious forms.

Following our recording of “Connections,” we participated in the “Marathon Day” organized by Talitha Kum. “Talitha Kum,” the Aramaic phrase used by Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!” (5:41), is the name of an international organization founded in 2009, which seeks to eradicate human trafficking in its varied forms. Accompanied by translators, we attended various awareness sessions for children, teens and adults.

Our day at the camp concluded with visits to several resident families. In those encounters, we witnessed the resilience and strength of families living under very harsh conditions.

Sunday, 21 July 2024

Our day was marked by our travel into southern Lebanon, specifically to Tyre on the southwestern coast, which was a very prominent city in the development of Phoenician culture. The gospels identify this city as the northernmost city to which Jesus traveled.

Now, it is here where the military conflict between Hezbollah and Israel affects the local population. Many Israeli families in northern Israel and Lebanese families in southern Lebanon have been displaced due to the violence along the border.

The joint efforts of the bishops of Tyre and CNEWA-Pontifical Mission have enabled us to provide almost 3,000 families with food packages. At the request of local bishops, CNEWA-Pontifical Mission, due to our presence “on the ground,” has also been able to offer counsel regarding quality solar panels for the local church facilities.

Monday – Friday, 22-26 July 2024

Early this morning, Tresool and Thomas began their return trip to New York City.

Meanwhile, I was accompanied by Michel and Imad Abou Jaoude, CNEWA’s program manager for Syria and Iraq, on a visit to Syria. We met bishops, consecrated religious men and women, lay leaders and people whom you support. We returned to Beirut on Wednesday, 24 July. On Thursday, 25 July, Michel and I visited Archbishop Paolo Borgia, apostolic nuncio to Lebanon. We also visited Pontifical Mission’s projects in the Zahleh region of Lebanon. On Friday, 26 July, I returned to New York City.

Msgr. Peter I. Vaccari is the President of Catholic Near East Welfare Association and its operating agency in the Middle East, the Pontifical Mission.

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