CNEWA-Pontifical Mission Live Briefing

04 November 2024

Join a live webinar from Beirut and Jerusalem with Michel Constantin and Joseph Hazboun, CNEWA-Pontifical Mission’s regional directors for Lebanon and Syria, and Palestine and Israel, respectively, on Monday, 4 November, at 6 p.m., Eastern Time.

Hear these crisis-response veterans report on the calamitous crisis in the Middle East and how the total war waged by the Israeli Defense Forces, Hamas and Hezbollah has impacted the churches in the lands Christians dare to call holy, and how CNEWA-Pontifical Mission is responding. 

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Pontifical Mission for Palestine by Pope Pius XII, who created this special task force of the Catholic Church to care for the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees — many of them Christian — who fled their homeland during the first Arab-Israel war. 

Pope Pius XII placed administration and direction of his task force under Catholic Near East Welfare Association, which his predecessor Pope Pius XI established in 1926 to support the Eastern churches. Subsequent pontiffs have broadened the scope and extended the mandate of the Pontifical Mission to include support for the humanitarian and pastoral needs of all those affected by war, civil strife,  sociopolitical and economic decline and environmental degradation throughout the Middle East. 

With offices in Beirut, Jerusalem and Amman, CNEWA-Pontifical Mission’s teams support the diverse and extensive activities of the local churches, partnering with parishioners, priests and religious to rush emergency aid to families in Gaza and southern Lebanon, such as food parcels, drinking water, nursing formula, hygiene kits, medicines and mattresses and blankets; provide counseling and medical care to families, especially children and the elderly; stabilize at risk communities with educational and formation programs; and organize awareness programs to prevent the trafficking of vulnerable peoples.

CNEWA-Pontifical Mission’s president, Msgr. Peter I. Vaccari, and Michael La Civita, director of Communications and Marketing, will moderate the briefing and invite questions afterward.

Click here to register, or contact Michael La Civita at
or call 212.826.1480

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