Faith Conquers Fear

Sister Lucia Murashko, a member of the Order of St. Basil the Great in Zaporizhzhia, southeastern Ukraine, provides humanitarian aid to those living on the front line. In this video, hear from Sister Lucia about how these gestures of good will and faith in God are more powerful than the evil of war.

As the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine enters its third year on Saturday, 24 February, more than 3.7 million internally displaced people and 14.6 million people remain in need of humanitarian assistance.

Immediately after Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022, Sister Lucia Murashko, a member of the Order of St. Basil the Great in Zaporizhzhia, southeastern Ukraine, began to help parishioners in organizing transportation to help people evacuate Zaporizhzhia, a city in southeastern Ukraine targeted by Russian troops. Once the situation in the city stabilized and humanitarian aid became more accessible in the summer, she and her community of sisters began to focus their service on reaching the front line.

“I hope that in our gestures, they find hope that they are not alone, that we are close to those who are left there,” she said.

“War is terrifying. But we will not succumb to fear. We cannot give up because God is stronger.” Watch this video and then read more about Sister Lucia and the faith of other Ukrainians on the front line in “Finding God in Times of War.”

Olivia Poust is assistant editor of ONE.

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