His Priests Are His Wealth

Bishop Vincent Mar Paulos of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church of Marthandam stops by the CNEWA offices and praises the generosity of our donors.

Yesterday, Vincent Mar Paulos, the Syro-Malankara Catholic Bishop of Marthandam in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, paid a visit to Monsignor John Kozar at our offices in New York.

The jovial, 48-year-old bishop talked about a man who helped make his vocation possible, a CNEWA donor from Grafton, Ohio.

A.G., said the bishop, has supported more than 16 seminarians through CNEWA. Two of them have even become bishops in the Syro-Malankara Church, which numbers some 420,000 Malankara Catholics, most of whom live in southern India.

A.G. is “a lovely man and a real missionary,” said the bishop. “His wealth is the men he has assisted in their formation as priests.”

Michael J. La Civita is CNEWA’s director of communications and marketing.

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