Jordan — June 2005

Sociopolitical Situation

Recently Dr. Adnan Badran (70 years-old) was appointed to form a new government, to the annoyance of the parliament, because it was not consulted. The government of Mr. Faysal Al Fayez was dismissed despite the fact that it enjoyed the highest confidence in the parliament, while Badran was chosen despite the objections of at least 40 parliamentarians who normally support every government. The end result is that Parliament is irrelevant when it comes to making and unmaking of governments.

Politically, the new government has no particular color; most likely politics will be run from the royal court. However, economically, the new government is very transparent. The economic team, dubbed as the digital group, is for modernization and reform.

The main job entrusted to the new government is to accelerate political and economic reform, yet the government may do nothing in the coming six months awaiting the outcome of two royal committees, one asked to formulate a national agenda for ten years and the other to explore how regional parliaments will be elected in a sort of a federal system.

The Jordanian government has extended the deadline for closure of Ruweished camp (established on Jordanian-Iraqi boarders in April 2003) several times already. Some 386 refugees were accepted for resettlement by Sweden and 23 by Ireland; the remaining 123 refugees are still living in poor conditions, specially the health situation, while stress and pressures are increasing.

As expected, trade with Iraq declined, first, due to lack of security which hindered delivery of goods and, second, due to less than excellent relations. Exports dropped by 23%.

High oil prices are a windfall for some Middle East economies, but throughout the region progress in tackling high unemployment and meeting pressing social needs remains slow. As the region searches for ways to better integrate into the global economy, create jobs, and boost growth, the IMF sees signs of remarkable political changes that could be vital for a region that has frequently bewildered economists.

Religious Situation

The Jordanian government approved the dismissal of Jerusalem’s Greek Orthodox Patriarch Irineos I over a controversial land sale. The patriarch was awaiting this final dismissal notice after being effectively turned out of office by his own flock when 14 out of 18 bishops making up the Holy Synod voted for his removal.

The head of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Patriarch Gregorios III, on his first visit to Jordan since his election in 2000, expressed in his Amman message that Jordan stands out in the region, highlighting Islam’s tolerance and moderation, and that it is a model of coexistence regionally and internationally.

Many Iraqi Christians are stuck in Jordan with no work permits, no chance to emigrate, and no official refugee status, which would make them eligible for international aid. Some have been waiting for immigrant visas for ten years; they do not consider the option of going back home because of security reasons. Even if things settled down in Iraq, they’ve sold their houses and their personal belongings, which make it too difficult to start again from the beginning.

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