ONE Magazine

The official publication of
Catholic Near East Welfare Association

Celebrating 50 years | God • World • Human Family • Church

A Letter From the Editor

Dear Reader,

CNEWA’s magazine has a new name – ONE.

Our magazine, which I have proudly served for half of its 30 years, has a demanding task: to educate its readers about the peoples and faiths of the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe.

We will never run out of stories: there are countless peoples to profile, hundreds of feast days and festivals to feature and an abundance of challenges to bring to your attention.

While serving CNEWA as an educational tool, ONE also reflects the agency’s charism – always act as if we are all one, unless we are forced to encounter a difference.

ONE recognizes we are all believers in the one God, citizens of one world, members of one human family and a part of the one church of Christ.

CNEWA’s unique status as an agency of the Holy See is something we are proud to profess – CNEWA is an extension of the Holy Father’s love to areas often stricken with strife, poverty and disease. Without doubt, ONE is a Catholic publication. But ONE decidedly bucks the trend of modern society, which seeks to emphasize what divides us, either by nationality, ethnicity, religion, politics or values.

As CNEWA’s official publication, ONE recognizes both what makes all peoples and faiths unique and what all people of good will have in common: the God-given gift of love.

Michael J.L. La Civita
Executive Editor

Michael J.L. La Civita is CNEWA’s director of communications.

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