To many people a car is not a necessity, but to the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in Lebanon and those they serve, often it is a matter of life and death. Sometimes traveling more than 100 miles a day in their 15-year-old automobile, the Sisters arrange medical care for the residents of Karm-Zeitoun quarter in Beriut.
The children of the families living in the crowded quarter suffer when the car does not work. The majority of these children are handicapped and need rides to technical schools and clinics for therapy.
Francoise who is 16 is suffering from polio and scoliosis. To treat these conditions doctors operated on her spine. When her spine became infected Francoise had to spend more time in hospitals. In spite of all this, she attends a technical school.
To Jocelynes family the Sisters and their car is vital. Jocelyne, who has glass-man disease (bones that break) is one of five children, three of whom are crippled. After several successful operations she is walking with crutches. Jocelynes mother had a nervous breakdown and her father has heart trouble. The Sisters provide transportation back and forth to the hospital for Jocelyne and her family.
After 15 years of wear and tear it was impossible to drive the car more than a few 100 kilometers before it needed repairs. Through the generosity of contributors to the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, the Sisters purchased a new car.
In addition to taking children back and forth to school and hospitals the Sisters travel through the country in search of documents. In Lebanon, civil status is required before a child can enroll in school. Civil status is also needed for admittance to a private hospital. The procedure for obtaining this status is long and complicated. It involves securing documents and attending hearings. If the documents are lost or destroyed, it is necessary to travel to the town where the family originated and have records verified. These are all time and fuel consuming tasks.
Most of the families who have migrated to the quarter are uneducated and very poor. They left their homes in the countryside because of the Israeli bombings, Palestinian vexation or the lure of a job in town. Living in attics and basements, usually with no ventilation or toilet facilities, many cant cope with everyday life. The Sisters, when they arent on the road traveling, try to ease some of the daily tensions for the families. By explaining complicated regulations regarding admittance to schools and hospitals, they provide a calm presence among the chaos.
The story of six-year-old Pierre is one example of how the Sisters straightened out a trying situation. Pierres father was killed and his mother was overwhelmed with responsibility for raising a family. The Sisters intervened and after discussing it with Pierres mother, placed him in an orphanage. His mother now visits him regularly.
Since the majority of the families living in the quarter are unemployed or are daily workmen they are not eligible for health benefits. Government hospitals are available free of charge but they lack special equipment. A person such as Jean, 21, could not be helped in a government hospital because he has polio and scoliosis. Paralyzed in both legs, he needs special treatment.
To be admitted to a private hospital which is very expensive, a patient must have civil status. If a patient such as Jean wanted to be treated free, he must have the mayor of his town sign a certificate stating that his family is indeed poor. The Minister of Health has to consent to his being treated as do the administrators and doctors at the hospital. Since Jean cant get around on his own, he relies on the Sisters to get the papers signed.
The new car is more than a vehicle to transport documents or even medical supplies. It is an integral part in the lives of Jocelyne, Francoise, Jean and other children of the Karm-Zeitoun quarter. By depending on Sister to take them to the clinic or to school, the children leave behind the miserable conditions of the quarter. With new-found skills, there is hope that one day they may travel beyond the quarter, without Sister, thanks to her wheels!