ONE Magazine

The official publication of
Catholic Near East Welfare Association

Celebrating 50 years | God • World • Human Family • Church

CNEWA Connection

CNEWA has long been a champion of the youngest and most vulnerable members of Egyptian society.

Initiatives include support for numerous orphanages and care facilities — such as St. Barsoum Coptic Orthodox Orphanage for Girls in Helwan and the Santa Lucia Home in Abou Kir, an institute specializing in care and education for the blind run by the Franciscan Sisters of the Cross.

CNEWA has helped Egypt’s youth confront a variety of challenges through institutions like the Salesian-run Don Bosco Institute, which provides vocational training, and Best Life, a Coptic drug rehabilitation program for which CNEWA provided startup funding.

To find out how you can help support Coptic youth at this pivotal time in Egyptian history, call 1.800.442.6392 (United States) or 1.866.322.4441 (Canada).

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